Published on 31 July 2024
With Rex Airlines now entered in voluntary administration, Balonne Shire Council is calling on all levels of government to do all that is necessary to ensure the ongoing servicing of essential regional routes to the Shire.
This development poses significant challenges for our community, impacting connectivity, local businesses and residents who rely on this essential service for tourism, commerce and family connections.
As a Council, we stand ready to work with all levels of government to ensure our regional airline service remains.
Balonne Shire Mayor Samantha O’Toole stated that Rex Airlines has been a vital link for the Shire, providing crucial connectivity for our residents and businesses.
“The news of their voluntary administration is a significant blow to our community”, said Mayor O’Toole.
“We understand the uncertainty and inconvenience this situation brings to our residents and businesses, but we are heartened by the interim commitment to continue our regional routes in the short term and urge residents to continue supporting them.
“Council is actively engaging with state and federal governments to find a viable long-term solution that will maintain air services to the Balonne region.
“Our priority is to ensure the Balonne Shire remains accessible and that the impact on our community is minimised.
“As a Council, we will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available and as efforts to secure long-term alternative air services progress."
For more information:
Josh Euler - Corporate Communications Manager, Balonne Shire Council
0423 786 672