Published on 11 April 2024

Balonne Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group


Date: 4pm 11 April 2024

This is an update from the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the Balonne Shire. Travellers and residents are asked to prepare now, stay informed and monitor conditions and where possible avoid travelling into areas that will be most affected.

The LDMG is currently at Stand up status and is continuing to monitor the flood warning across the Shire. There is currently flooding occurring in the Balonne River, Moonie River and Weir/Barwon River with peaks flowing down the rivers systems.

No significant rainfall has been observed since Saturday morning. No significant rainfall is forecast for the next few days.


Renewed river level rises and minor flooding are occurring along the Moonie River at Flinton as floodwaters continue to arrive from upstream, where a second moderate flood peak passed Southwood and is approaching Kinkora and Flinton.

The Moonie River at Flinton is currently at 3.37 metres and steady, above the minor flood level (3.00 m). The Moonie River at Flinton is likely to reach the moderate flood level (4.00 m) during Friday. The river level may peak near 4.10 metres during Friday.

The Moonie River at Nindigully is currently at 2.65 metres and falling, above the minor flood level (2.20 metres). The Moonie River at Nindigully is expected to remain above the minor flood level (2.20 m) during the next few days as floodwaters continue to arrive from upstream. Renewed rises are expected and peak forecasts will be provided when the second peak is observed at Flinton.

The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge is currently at 3.78 metres and rising, below the minor flood level. The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge may peak near the minor flood level (4.00 m) overnight Thursday and into Friday. Renewed rises are expected into the weekend as the second flood peak arrives.

LDMG is monitoring the Claude Bowhay Bridge on the Moonie Highway and Rogers Gully (also known as Bradley’s Gully) on the Carnarvon Highway near Nindigully that may be impacted by rising river levels over the coming days.


No significant rainfall has been recorded in the Condamine and Balonne River catchments in the 24 hours to 9:00 am Thursday and no significant rainfall is expected for the next few days.

There are multiple flood peaks moving through the multiple rivers, creeks, and tributaries across the catchment. Flood peak predictions will be updated as upstream peaks are observed.

Condamine River downstream of Loudoun Bridge to Cotswold:

River levels are elevated along the Condamine River downstream of Loudon Bridge to Cotswold. Minor flooding is continuing at Cotswold.

The Condamine River at Chinchilla Weir is currently at 3.77 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (6.00 m). The Condamine River at Chinchilla Weir is likely to remain below the minor flood level (6.00 m).

The Condamine River at Condamine is currently at 4.05 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (5.00 m). The Condamine River at Condamine is expected to remain below the minor flood level (5.00 m).

Balonne River to Surat:

Major flooding is occurring along the Balonne River to Surat.

The Balonne River at Warkon is currently at 9.19 metres and falling, above the major flood level (9.00 m). The Balonne River at Warkon may fall below the major flood level (9.00 m) overnight Thursday into Friday.

There are no current observations along the Balonne River at Surat, however, based on the nearby automatic gauge, it is expected that the river level at Surat is just below the major flood level (9.00 m) and easing. The Balonne River at Surat is likely to remain above the moderate flood level (7.00 m) overnight Thursday into Friday.

Balonne River downstream of Surat to Beardmore Dam:

River levels are elevated along the Balonne River downstream of Surat to Beardmore Dam. Major flooding is easing at Weribone.

The Balonne River at Waroo is currently 8.36 metres and rising, below the minor flood level (9.00 m). The Balonne River at Warroo may peak below the minor flood level (9.00 m) Thursday evening.

Maranoa River:

Minor flooding is easing along the Maranoa River at Old Cashmere.

The Maranoa River at Woodlands is currently at 2.25 metres, below the minor flood level (5.00 m) and falling. The Maranoa River at Woodlands is expected to remain below the minor flood level (5.00 m).

Lower Balonne and Bokhara Rivers, Balonne River Minor:

Moderate flooding may occur along the Lower Balonne and Balonne River Minor.

There are no current observations at the St George manual gauge, however, based on the nearby automatic gauge, it is expected that the river level at St George is above the minor flood level (6.00 m) and rising. The Balonne River at St George may reach the moderate flood level (8.00 m) Thursday evening, and may peak near 8.10 metres overnight Thursday into Friday.

There are no current observations for the Balonne River Minor at Dirranbandi, however the river is expected to be below the minor flood level (4.00 m) and rising. The Balonne River Minor at Dirranbandi is likely to exceed the minor flood level (4.00 m) from late Thursday. The river level may reach the moderate flood level (4.30 m) during the weekend, with rises to 4.60 m possible later in the weekend. Peak forecasts will be provided as upstream peaks are observed.


Moderate flooding is continuing along the Weir River downstream of Giddi Giddi South at Talwood. Major flooding is steady along the Weir River at Surrey.

The Weir River at Talwood is currently at 3.60 metres and falling, above the moderate flood level (3.50 m). Renewed rises are likely at the Weir River at Talwood as floodwaters arrive from upstream and a second moderate flood peak of 3.90 metres is likely overnight Friday into Saturday.


Local Roads that are currently impacted by flooding include:

  • Honeymah Lane, Dirranbandi – Closed
  • Warrie Road, St George – Closed
  • Dalkeith Road, St George – Closed
  • Teelba Road, St George - Closed
  • Kooroon Road, St George - Closed
  • Cubbie Road, Dirranbandi – Closed
  • Ballangarry Road, Thallon – Closed
  • Whyenbah Road, St George & Dirranbandi – Closed
  • Narline Road, Dirranbandi – Closed
  • Gunnindaddy Road, Mungindi – Closed
  • Whyenbah Road, St George/Dirranbandi - Closed
  • Carnarvon Highway, Thallon – Lanes affected, drive with caution
  • Mulga Downs Road, Bollon – Lanes affected, drive with caution
  • Ballangarry Road, Thallon – Reduced speed limit (40 km/h)
  • Littleton Road, St George – Lanes affected, drive with caution

For more information on local road updates, visit the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/


Residents can stay up to date by subscribing to the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/ for all the latest weather and road conditions. The dashboard includes links to www.bom.gov.au/qld and https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/. Check Live Traffic NSW https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/live-traffic-nsw for road conditions into NSW. In an emergency dial 000 or SES on 132500. For more information phone Council on (07) 4620 8888 - this includes after-hours service.

Councillor Samantha O’Toole