Published on 02 February 2024
Date: 5pm 2 February 2024
This is an update from the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the Balonne Shire. Travellers and residents are asked to prepare now, stay informed and monitor conditions and where possible avoid travelling into areas that will be most affected.
The Moonie River will continue to impact access to St George for residents on the Moonie Highway and when the water recedes off the Claude Bowhay Bridge (Moonie River crossing), Council is required to have the bridge inspected by Queensland Transport & Main Roads (who are standing by).
The Condamine River remains on Major Flood Level with flows expected to impact the Balonne River from next week.
Residents of Nindigully and Thallon should prepare now for isolation – find out more at https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared
The Carnarvon Highway between St George and Nindigully is expected to see the inflows down the Moonie River late this evening - early tomorrow morning based on the November 2023 event. This is highly likely to close the Carnarvon Highway. Alerts will be sent out via the emergency dashboard and Council’s social media.
The Moonie River at Flinton is currently at 4.57 metres and steady, with moderate flooding. The Moonie River at Flinton is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (4.00 m) overnight Friday into Saturday.
The Moonie River at Nindigully is currently at 2.80 metres and rising, with minor flooding. The Moonie River at Nindigully is likely to reach the moderate flood level (3.00 m) overnight Friday into Saturday. The river level may peak near 3.85 metres Saturday afternoon.
The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge is currently at 3.53 metres and rising slowly, below the minor flood level (4.00 m). The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge may reach the minor flood level (4.00 m) Saturday afternoon. The river level will continue to rise and may exceed the moderate flood level (4.50 m) Sunday afternoon. Further rises and higher levels are likely, and a forecast for Thallon Bridge will be provided once an upstream peak have been observed.
The temporary levee at Thallon is prepared to be closed and will potentially be closed on either Sunday afternoon or Monday.
Moonie Highway is currently closed between Moonie and Westmar and at the Claude Bowhay Bridge.
Local Roads that are currently impacted by flooding include:
- Teelba Road
- Warrie Road
- Honeymah Lane
- Gunnindaddy Road
- Kooroon Road
- Ballangarry Road
- Delkieth Road
- Littleton Road
- Chelmer Road
Remember road conditions can change without notice
Residents can stay up to date by subscribing to the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/ for all the latest weather and road conditions. The dashboard includes links to www.bom.gov.au/qld and https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/. Check Live Traffic NSW https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/live-traffic-nsw for road conditions into NSW.
In an emergency dial 000 or SES on 132500. For more information phone Council on (07) 4620 8888 - this includes after-hours service.