Published on 22 April 2024

Balonne Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group


Date: 3pm 22 April 2024

This is an update from the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the Balonne Shire. Flooding is now starting to recede, however with the widespread rainfall over the weekend, the LDMG is remaining in lean forward and is continuing to monitor conditions across the Shire.


The region has received scattered rainfall of 60-90mm in the upper parts of the Condamine catchment, and 20-50mm in the upper parts of the border rivers catchments, and potentially the Moonie catchment based on surrounding rainfall data.

As a result, there have been some small rises so far in the upper Condamine. Rainfall is easing over the course of today, contracting away completely by the evening, although another 10-30mm of widespread rain is possible today, particularly in the upper Condamine, with isolated higher falls possible. There is little to no rainfall forecast for the rest of the week.

LDMG will continue to monitor how the recent rainfall will impact the riverine systems in the Balonne Shire over the coming days. Given the travel time from where the rain has fallen, to it reaching any Shire locations is several days at least, we are anticipating no flood impacts in the near future, but LDMG will keep you updated over the course of next week as more information becomes available.


Following this flood event, Council has coordinated a vector spraying program over the following dates/times:

St George Misting Dates

5:30am to 8:30am & 4pm to 7:30pm, Saturday 20 April (completed)

5:30am to 8:30am & 4pm to 7:30pm, Sunday 21 April (completed in the PM only due to rainfall)

5:30am to 7:30am & 4pm to 8:30pm, Saturday 27 April

Thallon, Nindigully & Mungindi (Qld & Nsw) Misting Dates

5:30am to 8:30am & 4pm to 7:30pm, Monday 22 April

5:30am to 7:30am & 4pm to 8:30pm, Tuesday 23 April

Dirranbandi & Hebel Misting Dates

5:30am to 8:30am & 4pm to 7:30pm, Wednesday 24 April

5:30am to 8:30am & 4pm to 7:30pm, Friday 26 April


There is no current flood alert.

The Moonie River at Fenton peaked for the second time on Sunday in the minor flood range at around 3.8m and is currently falling.


The Bokhara River at Hebel is currently peaking at 1.04 metres, with minor flooding. The Bokhara River at Hebel is likely to fall below the minor flood level (1.00 m) tomorrow.


Moderate flooding is occurring along the Barwon River at Mungindi.

The Barwon River at Mungindi peaked at 6.96 metres around 03:00 am Saturday 20 April and is currently at 6.77 metres and falling, above the moderate flood level (6.70 m). The Barwon River at Mungindi may fall below the moderate flood level (6.70 m) overnight Monday into Tuesday.

The Barwon River at Mogil Mogil is currently steady around a peak of 7.15 metres, below the minor flood level (7.50 m).


Local Roads that are currently impacted by flooding include:

Talwood-Mungindi Road, Mungindi - Closed

Gunnindaddy Road Mungindi - Closed

Narline Road, Dirranbandi - Closed

Cubbie Road, Dirranbandi – Closed

Lower Plains Road, Dirranbandi – Proceed with caution

Whyenbah Rd, St George, Dirranbandi – Proceed with caution

Carnarvon Highway, Thallon – Proceed with caution

Castlereagh Highway, Dirranbandi – Lanes affected, Proceed with caution

Mulga Downs Road, Bollon - Lanes affected, Proceed with caution

Littleton Road, St George - Lanes affected, Proceed with caution

For more information on local road updates, visit the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/

Remember road conditions can change without notice.


Residents can stay up to date by subscribing to the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/ for all the latest weather and road conditions. The dashboard includes links to www.bom.gov.au/qld and https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/. Check Live Traffic NSW https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/live-traffic-nsw for road conditions into NSW. In an emergency dial 000 or SES on 132500. For more information phone Council on (07) 4620 8888 - this includes after-hours service.

Councillor Samantha O’Toole