Published on 04 February 2024
Date: Noon 4 February 2024
This is an update from the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the Balonne Shire. Travellers and residents are asked to prepare now, stay informed and monitor conditions and where possible avoid travelling into areas that will be most affected.
Recent heavy rainfall across the Shire has caused significant flooding in the Moonie River catchment with river and creek level rises and subsequent road closures.
No significant rainfall totals have been recorded across the Moonie River catchment in the last three days.
No significant rainfall is forecast across the Moonie River catchment for the next few days.
The Condamine River upstream remains on Major Flood Level with flows expected to impact the Balonne River. The Balonne River level may exceed the moderate flood level (7.00 m) at Surat from Monday as it flows towards Beardmore Dam.
The Moonie River at Flinton is currently at 4.62 metres and steady, with moderate flooding. The Moonie River at Flinton is likely to remain above the moderate flood level (4.00 m) for the remainder of Sunday into Monday.
The Moonie River at Nindigully is currently at 3.74 metres and rising, above the moderate flood level (3.00 m). The Moonie River at Nindigully is likely to peak around 3.80 metres Sunday evening, below the major flood level (4.00 m). The river level is expected to remain above the moderate flood level (3.00 m) for the remainder of Sunday into Monday.
The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge is currently at 3.84 metres and steady, below the minor flood level (4.00 m). The Moonie River at Thallon Bridge is expected to exceed the minor flood level (4.00 m) Sunday afternoon. The river level is likely to exceed the moderate flood level (4.50 m) Monday morning and may exceed the major flood level (5.00 m) overnight Monday into Tuesday. A peak similar to the March 2022 event (5.05 m) is possible. The peak forecast for Thallon Bridge will be refined once the upstream peaks have been observed.
The temporary levee at Thallon (6.3m) is prepared to be put in place and an assessment will be made on Monday morning as to whether it will be closed.
Moonie Highway - water is currently receding at the Claude Bowhay Bridge. Council is required to have the bridge inspected by Queensland Transport & Main Roads prior to reopening access.
Carnarvon Highway - The Carnarvon Highway is now closed at both Thallon and Nindigully.
Local Roads that are currently impacted by flooding include:
- Teelba Road - Closed
- Warrie Road - Closed
- Honeymah Lane - Closed
- Gunnindaddy Road - Closed
- Kooroon Road – Closed
- Ballangarry Road - Closed
- Dalkieth Road - Closed
- Chelmer Road – Closed
- Bollon Dirranbandi Road – Restricted to 5 tonne GVM
Remember road conditions can change without notice.
Residents can stay up to date by subscribing to the Emergency Dashboard. https://emergency.balonne.qld.gov.au/ for all the latest weather and road conditions. The dashboard includes links to www.bom.gov.au/qld and https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/. Check Live Traffic NSW https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/live-traffic-nsw for road conditions into NSW.
In an emergency dial 000 or SES on 132500. For more information phone Council on (07) 4620 8888 - this includes after-hours service.