Building and Plumbing

Inside a shearing shed

What Council Do

Building Certification

Council provides a building certification service for all classes of building and all types of building works, including new work and renovations. This approval is required to ensure buildings are structurally safe and appropriately located to meet the requirements of the Building Act 1975, relevant regulations and guidelines.

The approval process involves assessment by a Building Certifier, the issuing of a decision notice and subsequent inspections by the Certifier to ensure compliance. Final Certification or the issuing of a Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained from the certifier before a building can be used or occupied.

Building applications

Plumbing and Drainage

Council is responsible for assessing plumbing and drainage works for compliance.

Swimming Pools

Council provides a pool safety inspection and certification service by our Registered Pool Safety Inspectors.

Pool Compliance

Do I need a building approval?

Most building work does require an approval. All work that adds to the foot-priont of your house, such as an extension to the roofed area or a structural change will require a building approval. As a guide this is the building work that does require building approval:

  • New construction
  • Structural alterations and repairs
  • Additions to existing structures
  • Alterations that change the use, size or height of a building
  • Fences over 1.8m high and retaining walls over 1m

Work that generally doesn't need approval would be any work that:

  • Replaces existing work
  • Small decks/garden sheds less than 10m2
  • Fences less than 1.8m high

Factsheet: Building(PDF, 562KB)