Town Planning

What Council Do

Council manages existing and new development, land uses and works to ensure our infrastructure and resources can meet the future needs and expectations of our community.

Council achieves this through the implementation of the Balonne Shire Council Planning Scheme. The planning scheme supports growth and guides the way land, buildings and structures are used and developed in the Balonne area, enabling Council to plan for a sustainable future.

Roadmap to Development

Types of Development

Council's Planning Team assess proposals for various development types, including:

Reconfiguring a Lot

Is often referred to as subdividing a lot, but it can also include: subdividing a lot into 2 or more lots, re-arranging the boundaries of a lot or creating an easement to allow access from a road

Material Change of Use

Starting a new use or activity on a property, re-establishing a use that was previously abandoned or increasing the intensity or scale of an activity on a property.

Operational Works

Work other than building work or plumbing/drainage work that affects a premises or the use of a premise. The range of these works may include excavating or filing, clearing vegetations, road works and infrastructure.

Planning Service Charter(PDF, 137KB)

Factsheet: Home Based Business(PDF, 803KB)

Fact Sheet: Reconfiguring a Lot(PDF, 787KB)

Factsheet: Extractive Industries(PDF, 602KB)

Factsheet: Development Conditions(PDF, 726KB)