Join your Library

book shelves

Balonne Shire Libraries are free to join as part of the Rural Libraries Queensland (RLQ) network, and provide services to over 2,000 people each month.

You can join a Balonne Shire Library if you live, work or study in the region.

Join Now(PDF, 215KB)

The Libraries provide a wide range of resources for all ages and abilities, including:

  • Books, e-books and audiobooks;
  • Book club sets;
  • Magazines and newspapers?
  • DVDs;
  • Computer, internet and information database access;
  • iPads;
  • Free wifi; and
  • Language and literacy materials

If your Library does not have the item you are looking for, a Librarian can request it from the State Library of Queensland.


When you join your local Balonne Shire Library, you will receive a membership card for the entire RLQ network and have a Home Library within the Shire. Balonne Shire residents, workers and students must select their Home Library from within the Shire when applying for membership.

Members can borrow up to ten items for up to four weeks; the items can be borrowed from and returned to any Library branch in the 28 rural shires of the RLQ network.

For a full list of RLQ network members, see the Public Library Directory.

Items can be renewed once, as long as the item has not been reserved by another borrower. Members can renew their items through the online library catalogue, over the phone, or in-person at any of our library locations.

Library membership also gives access to thousands of online resources through the State Library of Queensland.

Members can also place reservations on items which are not currently available, or are at another Rural Library. This can be done through the online catalogue or Balonne Shire Libraries staff can assist. Members can reserve up to 10 items at any time.

Online Catalogue

Tourist Membership

Tourist Library membership is free to anyone travelling in Outback Queensland, through the Rural Libraries Queensland (RLQ) network.

Travellers can join online ahead of their trip, and a membership card will be mailed to their home address or PO Box within five working days.

Alternatively, tourists can join in-person at any Library in the RLQ network. To find a nearby Library, visit the Public Library Director