Council’s Authorised Inspection Program



Council aims to be a dog-friendly region, whilst also ensuring the well-being of our community and other animals.

Education to empower our communities to make good decisions in the keeping of their dogs to create a safe and harmonious community is an important aspect of Council’s approach to animal management, as is enforcement.

Accordingly, an approved systematic inspection program of all properties within the townships of the Balonne Shire will be undertaken between 1 November 2024 and 31 January 2025, by visiting and if necessary, entering yards of the premises to monitor compliance with the following:

  • dog registration and renewal of registration requirements; microchipping requirements as per the Animal Management Act (Cats and Dogs) 2008; and
  • the keeping of animals requirements including the number of animals kept, as per the Balonne Shire Council Local Law 1 (Administration) 2018 and Balonne Shire Council Local Law 2 (Animal Management) 2022.

In the lead up to this program, you can find out more information about registering your pet by clicking the below button.

Information about registering your pet

If you wish to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact the Rural Services team at Council by calling 4620 8888.


Who will Be impacted by this program?

The homes of all townships across the Balonne Shire will be inspected.

Who conducts the inspections?

Inspections will be carried out by authorised persons from the Balonne Shire Council. All authorised persons have identity cards issued by Council and will identify themselves, producing their Council authorisation card, and stating the reason for their attendance.

What is an Approved Inspection Program?

An Approved Inspection Program is a program, approved by a local government, under which an authorised person may enter and inspect properties in the local government area to ensure the local government acts are being complied with.

Accordingly, under section 113 of the Animal Management Act (Cats and Dogs) 2008 and section 134 of the Local Government Act 2009, Balonne Shire Council, by resolution, have approved an inspection program under which an authorised person may enter and monitor compliance to ensure that all dogs over the age of 12 weeks are registered in accordance with the Animal Management Act (Cats and Dogs) 2008 and keeping of dogs requirements including the number of animals (dogs), enclosure that prevents dog(s) from escaping are kept as per the Balonne Shire Council Local Law 1 (administration) 2018 and Balonne Shire Council Local Law 2 (animal management) 2022.

When will the program take place?

Council’s Approved Inspection Program will be carried out from 1 November 2024 to 31 January 2025. Properties will be inspected from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday during this period.

Where will the program take place?

This program will take place in all townships across the Balonne Shire.

What if i will not be home, does the Balonne Shire Council still have the right to enter my yard?

Yes. As outlined in Section 133 of the Local Government Act 2009 and section 111 of the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008, an authorised person from Balonne Shire Council can enter your property without you being home. The officer will leave a card or notice in a prominent place such as the mailbox or front door to let you know they have been.

What if my dog was not registered at the time of the inspection?

If you were found to be non-compliant with animal registration requirements, you will be issued a Notice to comply. At the expiration of the Notice, if Council records show you have not registered your dog, you will be issued with a Penalty Infringement Notice (fine) for $322.60 for each dog in your care that you have failed to register.

If you require more time to register your dogs, you will need to contact Council on 074620 8888 or by email where, depending on your circumstances an extension may be afforded.