Tourism Events Grant Funding Program
Tourism Events Grant Funding Program
Council offers a series of Tourism Events Grants to support event organisers in developing, promoting and executing events which contribute to growing tourism in the St George Region.
Tourism Events are an important and growing part of our local economy and add to the vibrancy of our region. Council's Tourism Events Grants provide funding for events which attract - have the potential to attract - a significant number of visitors to the Balonne Shire.
Priority will be given to events which increase visitation to the Balonne Shire, generate positive media coverage, and stimulate the local economy.
Annual Rounds
Applications for annual funding rounds will open as follows:
Round |
Opens |
Closes |
Outcomes |
1 |
1 March |
1 April |
May |
2 |
1 August |
1 September |
October |
3 |
1 November |
1 December |
January |
IMPORTANT: All event applications must be submitted a minimum of six (6) months before the event occurs.
Funding Categories
Hallmark Event
- Generates in excess of $600,000 economic impact;
- Attracts in excess of 3000 unique attendees with substantial visitor numbers from outside the Shire.
- High state and national media profile
Up to $10,000 (including in-kind support)
Major Event
- Generates in excess of $350,000 economic impact;
- Attracts in excess of 2000 unique attendees with substantial visitor numbers from outside the Shire.
- High state and national media profile
Up to $7000 (including in-kind support)
Destination Event
- Evidence of capacity to generate in excess of $200,000 economic impact for the Shire; OR
- Event attracts between 1000-2000 attendees with sizeable visitor numbers from outside the Shire as supported by Validated Evidence.
- High media profile outside of the Shire.
Up to $5,000
Regional Event
- Evidence of capacity to generate in excess of $100,000 economic impact for the Shire.
- Favourable regional media coverage.
Up to $4,000
New Event Development Fund
- Application must be from a reputable and experienced event organiser/organisation
- Evidence of strong project planning must accompany the application
- The event must have a strong tourism focus, funding not sought for community event grant
Up to $3000 (including in-kind support)
The assessment process is competitive; applications will be assessed on merit against the selection criteria outlined in the funding policy.
For further information please phone Council: 07 4620 8888.
Application Form(PDF, 710KB) - Apply now for a Tourism Events Grant!
Tourism Events Grant Policy(PDF, 291KB)
Risk Assessment Template(DOC, 68KB)
Event Marketing & Communications Template(DOCX, 768KB)
Event Organiser's Checklist(PDF, 705KB)
Tourism Events Grant FAQs(PDF, 694KB)