
Sheep on red land

Balonne Shire Council is taking a co-ordinated approach to managing pest plants and animals in our region. All decisions and actions are informed by the Biosecurity Act 2014 and Council's Biosecurity Plan.

The Biosecurity Plan prioritises pest plants and animals which are present in the Shire, or have significant potential to occur.

Biosecurity Queensland offers a wide range of information and resources through its website, and through regional project officers deployed statewide.

Animal Disease Preparedness

The detection of lumpy skin disease (LSD), foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), and African swine fever (ASF) in Asia highlights the importance of having strong biosecurity systems in place. We've put together a short fact sheet, including useful resources, outlining key actions livestock owners can take now.

Emergency Animal Disease Preparedness(PDF, 2MB)

Flyer information update livestock emergency animal disease preparedness aug 2022 image

Pest Plants

Currently, there are 38 identified species of pest plants in the Balonne Shire.

In Council's Biosecurity Plan(PDF, 2MB), each species is assigned a priority category: High, Medium, Low, or Local Alert.

Among the high priority pest plants are Parthenium, African Boxthorn, Coral Cactus, and Mother of Millions. Actions to manage these pest weeds are detailed in the Biosecurity Plan.

For further identification and management information for pest plants in the Balonne Shire, please visit Biosecurity Queensland website or contact Council's Rural Services and Compliance team.

Wild Dogs

Balonne Shire Council coordinates wild dog baiting programs at least twice a year, using 1080 (sodium fluroacetate) baits.

In the lead up to baiting campaigns, Council advises all participating landholders at least one month in advance of the campaign.

From the bait stations, landholders can collect 40kg of meat baits for each property free of charge. Landholders must bring their rates notices to baiting stations and inform neighbours of their intent to bait 72 hours prior to laying their baits,.

Residents and visitors are advised to exercise vigilance with their pets during baiting campaigns. 1080 baits can remain active for long periods of time, and some are placed on properties which are adjacent to main roads or other access roads.

Landholders must maintain due diligence during baiting campaigns, use appropriate personal protective equipment, and adhere to vehicle hygiene protocols for the safety of working dogs.

1080 Authority to Sign Form(PDF, 162KB)

Please return completed Authority to Sign form to:

Wild Dog Registered Trapper Program

Council pays bounties for wild dogs which have been trapped or shot within the Balonne Shire area as a supplement to Council's wild dog baiting campaign.

Council's Wild Dog Scalps Bounty and Retainer Policy(PDF, 781KB) details how to claim a bounty and the requirements each person must meet to claim, including trapper registration, applications, destruction, and payments.

Landholder Permission form(PDF, 60KB)

For all enquires, call Council on 07 4620 8888 or email

FeralScan app

Council uses the FeralScan app to record details of wild dog control efforts.

The application logs coordinates of locations where wild dogs have been trapped, shot or sighted in the Balonne Shire, along with photos and other data.

All information collected through the FeralScan app helps guide future wild dog control programs.

To register for FeralScan in the Balonne Shire, download the form to submit.

FeralScan app(PDF, 413KB)