Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of any type of waste material that is 200 litres or more in volume. Illegal dumping of household rubbish, garden waste, building and commercial waste or other materials damages Balonne Shire Council's natural areas. This includes the Stock Reserves.

Illegal dumping causes chemical and physical pollution in our neighbourhoods and waterways. It also spreads pests and weeds, including fire ants. Even dumping old furniture is a problem because it may encourage others to dump more dangerous waste. Dumpsites can lower property values and also attract other illegal activities.

Report illegal dumping

You can report illegal dumping online (from a vehicle/vessel), to council or by email.

Your safety in a situation where someone may be illegally dumping is important to Council. Do not:

  • approach the vehicle or individuals who are illegally dumping
  • let the illegal dumpers know you are there
  • touch the illegally dumped material.

Waste deposits over 2,500 litres in volume attract higher penalties.

Fines and prosecution

Council issues on-the-spot fines to individuals for the following amounts of dumped waste:

  • less than 200 litres - two penalty units
  • between 200 litres and 2500 litres - 16 penalty units
  • over 2500 litres - 20 penalty units.

Council also issues on-the-spot fines to corporations for the following amounts of dumped waste:

  • less than 200 litres - 10 penalty units
  • between 200 litres and 2500 litres - 50 penalty units
  • over 2500 litres - 75 penalty units.

For more serious offences, Council will consider prosecution with maximum penalties in the order of 400 to 1000 penalty units. Council will consider this option for dumping:

  • by repeat offenders
  • dangerous waste (such as asbestos, medical waste or waste that is likely to cause harm to a person, property or the environment)
  • by commercial and small business operators.