Maintaining your Property


Council's Local Laws says residents are responsible for maintaining their properties so they do not become overgrown, unsightly, and a breeding ground for vermin.

Overgrown Allotment

If an allotment is overgrown with vegetation so the vegetation becomes unsightly or likely to attract reptiles or vermin, the occupier commits a nuisance.

Unsightly Allotments

If objects or materials are brought onto, or allowed to accumulate on, an allotment so that the visual amenity of the allotment is seriously affected, the occupier of the allotment commits a nuisance.

Examples of objects that may seriously detract from the visual amenity of land include disused, second-hand material and similar objects, as well as derelict vehicles, old white goods, building materials and household waste.

Reporting Issues

There are two ways to report an issue.

Snap Send Solve:

Snap Send Solve is a free app for your smartphone. Users can report issues and provide feedback to Council - whether you are a resident or visitor.


Contact Council - 07 4620 8888

How Council deals with overgrown and unsightly premises

Using Local Law No 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2018, council regulates a range of potential nuisances relating to overgrown and unsightly conditions on allotments.

The following process is Council's steps to bring the property to a compliant state:

  1. Inspection conducted, owner contacted and warning issued.
  2. If no action taken, owner contacted and compliance notice issued.
  3. If no action taken an infrinement or other legal action may be commenced.

If necessary Council may make arrangments for the property to be cleared of rubbish and for grass and vegetation to be trimmed. The cost of such work will be the responsibility of the owner.

Achieving the right result can often take time to bring a property to a compliant state with the cooperation of the owner.


It is the responsibility of the property owners in urban areas to maintain their property, and the adjacent footpath and road verge, to an acceptable standard, free of all long grass and other exotic vegetation.

Keep our trees beautiful by not placing lawn clippings around tree trunks. It might seem like a handy way to get rid of your lawn clippings, but placing them around tree trunks is killing some of our beautiful trees. Landfills across the shire are free to use. Just be sure to secure your load.

Waterwise Tips for your Garden