
FAQ: Land Valuations 2023(PDF, 214KB)

Fact Sheet: Land Valuations 2023(PDF, 100KB)

Fact Sheet: For all Ratepayers(PDF, 192KB)

Fact Sheet: Residential Rates(PDF, 194KB)

Fact Sheet: Rural Rates(PDF, 187KB)

Fact Sheet: Utility Charges(PDF, 490KB)

Fact Sheet: St George River Water Charges(PDF, 1MB)


General rates are for services, facilities and activities that are supplied or undertaken for the benefit of the community in general (rather than a particular person). The Council is required to raise an appropriate amount of revenue to maintain assets and provide services to the Shire as a whole.

In deciding how the revenue is raised Council considered:

  • The rateable value of the land and the equity or otherwise of the level of rates which would be payable if only one general rate were adopted.
  • Relative valuations of various types of land.
  • The approach to general rating adopted by the Balonne Shire Council for the financial year.
  • The level of services provided to that land and the cost of providing the services compared to the rate burden that would apply under a single general rate.
  • The demand that some land uses place on the services which Council is required to provide.

Rate notices are issued during August and February each year and reflect the cost of services, facilities and activities that are supplied or undertaken for the benefit of the community.

Need more info? Download Council's rates documents below.

Rating Strategy 2019-2026(PDF, 333KB)

Revenue Statement(PDF, 13MB)

Differential General Rates(PDF, 3MB)

Utility Charges(PDF, 4MB)

Special Rates and Charges(PDF, 4MB)