Balonne: be alert for flooding


Balonne residents have been advised to be on the alert for flooding in coming days. Balonne Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair and Balonne Shire Mayor Samantha O’Toole said, with more rain expected to fall on already saturated ground, localised flooding is likely.

“There have already been problems with water across some roads, including the Moonie Highway, and this is likely to continue with the ongoing rain,” Cr O’Toole said.

“Everyone knows the message ‘If it’s flooded, forget it’ but that really is so important at times like these.

“There has already been one tragic drowning fatality due to flooded roads in Central Queensland and we don’t want to see that repeated in the south-west. Please, take care.”

Cr O’Toole said the LDMG met on Monday and will meet again on Wednesday.

“We are watching all rivers in the Balonne Shire at present,” she said.

“Our catchments are saturated and, combined with current forecasts for more rain over the next couple of days in particular, this could lead to widespread flooding across the Shire.

“Everyone can find out all the latest information from our Emergency Dashboard, including emergency news, road conditions, weather warnings and power outages. That can be accessed via the Balonne Shire Council website or use your search engine to search for ‘Balonne Emergency Dashboard’.

“If you need any help with storm or flood damage, call the SES on 13 25 00.

“In the current conditions, please check road conditions before travelling.

“And, finally, please stay Covid-safe.”