Balonne Shire Councillor Ian Todd Resigns


Councillor Ian Todd has resigned from Balonne Shire Council due to personal reasons. Councillor Todd joined Balonne Shire Council at the general election in 2016.

In his resignation letter, Councillor Todd said he was honoured to serve the Shire.

"It has been a privilege and an honour to serve the residents and ratepayers of the Balonne Shire for the past six and a half years," Councillor Todd said. "I thank my fellow councillors and staff of the Balonne Shire Council for their support and effort as we worked together towards realising the full potential of the Balonne Shire."

Balonne Shire mayor Samantha O’Toole issued a statement thanking Councillor Todd for his efforts in the community.

"Councillor Todd has been actively involved in many projects, including the Wild Dog Exclusion Fencing Scheme, the St George Pump Station build, the development of the St George Library and establishment of Country Universities Centre Balonne," said Mayor O’Toole.
“I want to thank Councillor Todd for his time serving the Balonne community and for his contributions during his time as a councillor."

Balonne Shire Council Chief Executive Matthew Magin received Councillor Todd's resignation letter at the conclusion of the Council meeting on Thursday 15 September. The resignation is effective immediately and creates a vacancy in the Balonne Shire.

The process of filling a councillor vacancy is well established in legislation. A by-election to fill the vacancy in the office of a councillor in the Balonne Shire will be announced by the Electoral Commission Queensland. Voting will most likely be by postal ballot that will be managed by the Electoral Commission Queensland.

Council will update the community as soon as this information becomes available.