Committees and Advisory Groups

Councillors are representatives on at least 30 Committees and Advisory Groups across the Balonne Shire. 

Their representation extends across Legislative Committees, Standing Committees, Advisory Committees, Regional Representation, and Reference/Consultative Groups. 

For the full list, see the link below: 

Committees and Advisory Groups

  • The Balonne Shire Council Audit and Risk Committee is constituted to fulfill Council's legislative requirement under the Local Government Act 2009. 

    The Committee meets at least quarterly. 

    Terms of Reference


    Position Name

    Chair and Independent External Member

    Mr James Hetherington

    Independent external member Mr Walter Brosnan
    Internal committee member Mayor Samantha O'Toole
    Internal committee member Councillor Robyn Fuhrmeister


    Key Council officers report to the Audit and Risk Committee.  These positions are:

    • Chief Executive Officer
    • Director Finance & Corporate Services
    • Director Infrastructure Services
    • Director Community & Environmental Services
    • Manager Finance Services

    Audit and Risk Committee meetings are also attended by the Queensland Audiot Office, external auditors, and Council's internal auditors.