Temporary Transfer of CAP – St George Water Supply Scheme


Balonne Shire Council would like to invite  Request For Proposals for the temporary transfer of approximately 1000ML of excess CAP from the St George Water Supply Scheme for the 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020 water year.

The RFP process will be run through Marketplace in Vendor Panel. To access the Vendor Panel Portal, applicants need to register and complete the application online at https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/marketplace.aspx.  Applicants will need to register under the Water & Sewage category, with the sub category of Water Tanks).  (It is acknowledged that this subcategory is not strictly correct, but it is the nearest currently available)

Applicants are requested to provide a cost/ML and quantity required. The quantity requested may be any amount up to the 1000 ML on offer.  Applications will be assessed based on the best return for Council.

Applications opened on Wednesday 26th February 2020 and will close on Thursday 5th March 2020 at 2pm.

For further information contact Balonne Shire Council’s Procurement Coordinator,

Mrs Kelly Fontaine on 07 4620 8888. 

Matthew Magin