Hebel-Goodooga Rd to reopen


Hebel-Goodooga Rd will reopen to all traffic from 2pm Friday 5 November, in a bid to assist grain harvesters moving around the region.

While the Queensland border remains closed, essential workers and border zone residents (with the appropriate border pass) can now enter the Balonne Shire via Hebel-Goodooga Rd in line with the current Queensland Government restrictions.

All vehicles entering Queensland via Hebel-Goodooga Rd will be directed to the Hebel border checkpoint, located at the intersection of Castlereagh Hwy and William St.

Traffic control will remain on nearby Woolerbilla Rd, which is closed to general traffic. Only local traffic will be permitted to travel Woolerbilla Rd.

The reopening follows recent upgrades to Hebel-Goodooga Rd, which allow for safer and easier heavy vehicle access. Balonne Shire Council completed these works thanks to funding from the Australian Government NHVR Safety and Productivity Programme and the Queensland Government Transport and Infrastructure Development Scheme.

Balonne Shire Mayor Samantha O’Toole said the reopening will be an immense help for local growers and contractors.

“Grain harvest is in full swing at the moment, and there is a lot of machinery and harvest workers moving around,” she said.

“Council has been assisting growers in navigating border regulations to ensure harvest workers are COVID-safe, and we are glad this route has opened to allow growers in the southern areas of our Shire transport grain to depots at Noondoo, Thallon and beyond while remaining on a bitumen road network.”