Mungindi: prepare for flooding


Mungindi residents have been advised to prepare for flooding within the next fortnight.

Balonne Shire Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair and Mayor Samantha O’Toole said upstream floodwaters were expected to peak in the town on or near the 15th December.

“The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has warned this flooding could reach similar levels to the 2011 event,” Cr O’Toole said.

“The floodwaters that forced Inglewood to be evacuated are flowing down the Macintyre through Goondiwindi. These waters will go on into the Barwon River, with additional floodwaters from the Weir River, and reach Mungindi in a little over 10 days from now.

“The current prediction from BOM for Mungindi is likely to be at between 7.3 metres, to 7.7 metres – similar to the level in 2011. Predictions will be updated as upstream peaks are observed in coming days.

“A level of 7.3 metres is regarded as a major flood, and will cut roads in the region, though it’s more than a metre below the top of the levy.

Cr O’Toole said Mungindi residents should stock up on food and make other preparations in case the town is cut off by floodwaters.

“The Balonne Shire Council is monitoring the levy while river levels are rising, we have contractors on standby and are coordinating heavy equipment in Mungindi to close off the levy across the road entrance if or when it is required.

“Residents can obtain up-to-date information from the Balonne Shire Council’s Emergency Dashboard on its website.”

Emergency Dashboard (