
The Balonne Shire Council is deeply disappointed to report that 5 of the 19 remote flood cameras throughout the Shire have been vandalised in recent days, causing significant damage to our $250,000 flood camera network used to monitor flood events in the region.

The cameras are located in remote areas of our river systems on roadways throughout the Shire and are essential for providing real-time information about rising water levels and potential flood risks to the local community. 

The cameras are also used by emergency services to coordinate rescue efforts during flood events. The cameras take still images only and are not used for monitoring vehicles or people.  

Council were made aware of the vandalism following routine maintenance checks on the cameras and were dismayed to find that the cameras had been deliberately damaged, making them unusable.

These cameras were organised via funding from a Federal/State government grant and the cost of replacing the vandalised ones will be a significant burden to the ratepayers in a Council with a very limited funding capacity. 

Mayor Samantha O'Toole condemned the senseless act of vandalism, stating that our Council takes the protection of critical infrastructure very seriously, and we will not tolerate any behaviour that puts the safety of our community at risk.

"We urge anyone with information about this vandalism to come forward and contact the police. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated."

“We installed these cameras with the help of a government grant to help protect the safety of our community during times of emergency and to see this senseless vandalism is just heartbreaking.”

“We do not use these cameras to monitor people, just flood levels at roadways via intermittent still shots of known flood-prone roadways throughout the Shire.”

The Balonne Shire Council is working with local police to investigate the incident and increase security measures around the remaining cameras. 

Residents are reminded that monitoring flood levels and taking appropriate precautions during flood events is vital for the safety of the community. 

The Balonne Shire Council encourages all residents to stay up-to-date with the latest flood warnings and to follow the advice of emergency services on the Emergency Dashboard on our website.

For more information, please contact the Balonne Shire Council on (07) 4620 8888.


For more information:
Josh Euler - Corporate Communications Manager
0423 786 672

Vandalised flood cameras